History of the Garden ClubIn 1944 when Mandarin was only a rural village with back roads leading to a general store and post office, the president of the Mandarin Community Club appointed a Beautification Committee. Little was accomplished that year and the following year the Mandarin Community Club president asked Carolyn Adams to form a garden club. This was the birth of the Mandarin Garden Club in the fall of 1945 with 30 members. Meetings were held at the Mandarin Community Club until the meeting room flooded.
Bert Foshee shared her sadness at the loss of the meeting room with her husband who was a contractor. He told her to find a piece of land suitable for a clubhouse and he would construct the building. She found the current site on Loretto Road, the land was purchased and the building was completed in 1967. Without their husbands' knowledge, garden club members, Louise Hill and Bess Permenter, signed the mortgage and after its satisfaction in 1987, the mortgage was burned. |

The garden club continues to grow and works continuously to share with the community. In order to preserve the existence of our club, annual fund raisers are conducted at the club with donations for these events made possible by our members. Profits from these fund raising projects have been used for service projects and sponsorship to a variety of community projects as well as the maintenance and improvement of the club's building, grounds and gardens.
The foremost goal of the club has always been to educate its members, the residents of Mandarin and our youth in the aspects of caring for and beautifying our community. Club members have planted hundreds of varieties of trees and plants over the years. Circle programs are given on preserving the environment and every aspect of gardening.
The foremost goal of the club has always been to educate its members, the residents of Mandarin and our youth in the aspects of caring for and beautifying our community. Club members have planted hundreds of varieties of trees and plants over the years. Circle programs are given on preserving the environment and every aspect of gardening.
Mandarin Garden Club Facts
Established - November 8, 1945 • Circles - Cherokee Rose, Dogwood, Live Oak, and Magnolia
Motto - To study, to conserve, to cultivate, and to enjoy Nature's beauty
Colors - Green and white • Flower - Orange Blossom
Motto - To study, to conserve, to cultivate, and to enjoy Nature's beauty
Colors - Green and white • Flower - Orange Blossom
Our Gardens & Master Gardeners

Mary Howe, a garden club member and Master Gardener, suggested that the club invite the Duval County IFAS Extension Department to use the grounds as a demonstration garden. In the fall of 1988, this joint venture began and continues today. The gardens are made up of two sections.
Section One is located behind the building and is called the Demonstration Garden. Included in this section are a perennial garden, a ginger garden, a butterfly garden, vegetable gardens, a cutting garden, a potager garden, a children's garden, and two rose gardens.
Section Two is located in the front of the building and is called a Native Garden. It was developed in 1992 when Dr. Dekle Taylor, a retired Mandarin physician and avid horticulturist, donated many native plants to the club. His plants, along with plants purchased by grant money from the Florida Native Plant Society, were used by the Master Gardeners from the Extension Department to complete the Native Plant Garden.
Section One is located behind the building and is called the Demonstration Garden. Included in this section are a perennial garden, a ginger garden, a butterfly garden, vegetable gardens, a cutting garden, a potager garden, a children's garden, and two rose gardens.
Section Two is located in the front of the building and is called a Native Garden. It was developed in 1992 when Dr. Dekle Taylor, a retired Mandarin physician and avid horticulturist, donated many native plants to the club. His plants, along with plants purchased by grant money from the Florida Native Plant Society, were used by the Master Gardeners from the Extension Department to complete the Native Plant Garden.

The demonstration gardens give the Duval County Master Gardeners the opportunity for hands-on learning. Working every week to maintain the gardens, they learn which plants grow well here, and how best to raise them. They are then able to pass the knowledge and expertise along to the community.
Our gardens provide pleasant and interesting walks for members, visitors and their families. Please feel free to visit anytime to get a taste of serenity and escape. Our gardens are always open to the general public.
The Mandarin Garden Club has Duval County Master Gardeners within our club. The Duval County Master Gardeners maintain the Duval County Demonstration Gardens located on the Mandarin Garden Club grounds every Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. For information, please contact the Duval County Agricultural Extension Office at (904) 255-7450.
Our gardens provide pleasant and interesting walks for members, visitors and their families. Please feel free to visit anytime to get a taste of serenity and escape. Our gardens are always open to the general public.
The Mandarin Garden Club has Duval County Master Gardeners within our club. The Duval County Master Gardeners maintain the Duval County Demonstration Gardens located on the Mandarin Garden Club grounds every Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. For information, please contact the Duval County Agricultural Extension Office at (904) 255-7450.